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April 2024

Dealmaking Automation for Dealmakers

Automating workflows can reduce time and money for dealmakers. Automated workflows simplify tasks and aid dealmakers in managing the entire sales process from prospecting to closing a deal. With automation, salespeople can focus more on their existing clients and building recommended you read solid relationships with potential buyers.

For instance an automated workflow can automatically update a lead’s score every time their status changes. This allows you to easily monitor their behavior and determine how well your sales team is performing. This lets you track the performance of your sales team, and also identify trends. This will aid you in making informed decisions about training, support and resources.

You can also design an automation that will be activated whenever a deal reaches certain stage. For instance If you have an account where a rep needs to get help from an engineer for sales during a product demonstration You can set up an automation that assigns an assignment to the relevant deal and assigns it to a specific person. The task description can pull details from any of the deal’s properties.

Another way to leverage deal automation is to use it for onboarding and upselling/cross-selling campaigns. Automated messages be used to, for instance, send an email with helpful tips to the salesperson or a group when a deal reaches the Closed Won phase. This could include setup guides or product tutorials. This keeps you in the minds of your customers and helps encourage engagement after the sale.

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